Page 310 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 310
my mom had a
quilt like that
Two-Sided, Front: Log Cabin 1900. eBay purchase in 2012. 54"x62" Fabric: Wool, cotton, silk, a rough-feeling
but smooth looking brown I think is burlap or hemp. Batting: None. Backing: Second top, tumbling blocks
pattern, wool, silk, plaid, paisley. Edge: Purple tape affixed ¼" to each side by hand. Piecing: Blocks are as-
sembled by hand and joined by machine. Quilting: None found. Condition: Front: Good with consideration
for age; one of the browns in the logs in the border is splitting. Back: Poor: 19 silks have shattered; 2 wools
have moth holes; 1 light colored block has a stain; and there are three or four other moth-holes, each the
size of a match head. Comment: I collected this for the brilliant design in the middle surrounded by homely
blocks. A tiny maker’s label "Anna Lutz" is sewn into the edge
Figure 267: Two-Sided, Front: Log