Page 313 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 313
log cabin 311
African-American Housetop Likely not old. eBay purchase in 2012. 73"x86" Fabric: Cottons, from denims
sailcloth, twill-heavy fabrics. Batting: Medium weight, feels like cotton. Backing: White cotton percale
sheet. Edge: The back is brought to the front for a 2½" border. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: Tied. Con-
dition: Excellent; probably unused. Comment: The vendor called this "barn raising". The design is just
regular enough that it is more like a large-scale log cabin than like a traditional housetop quilt. African-
American quilts are unique so comparables can’t be found except maybe within a type such as "house top"
or "strings."
Figure 270: African-American Housetop