Page 317 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 317

log cabin   315

               Log Cabin in Dark Pinwheel Variation No later than 1930s; older considering lavish use of silk on the back,
               later considering use of light colors and cottons rather than silk on the front. Purchased at a Bellevue,
               WA antique show in 1988. 73"x84" Fabric: Varied: cotton, polished cotton, organdy, seersucker, flannel,
               nubby suitings, wool plaids, velveteen, calico, knit menswear, silken bits. Batting: Low loft cotton. Backing:
               Green silk. Edge: The backing is brought ¼" onto the front and hand stitched into place. Piecing: By hand.
               Quilting: None on front. Pieced to a backing resulting in squares within squares, by hand, 5 stitches per
               inch. Condition: Excellent. The backing has fading at the edges. Comment: Masterful placement of colors
               creates an over-all impression of green and purple. Vendors are retired people moving between Seattle and
               the southwest. They said they had bought it from an estate, where it had been stored in a trunk - the old
               stored in a trunk story- but appears never used.
                                                                                  Figure 274: Log Cabin in Dark Pin-
                                                                                  wheel Variation
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