Page 322 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 322

               my mom had a
               quilt like that

               Pineapple Log Cabin as Wool Octogons 1920s, guessing from wools on top and chintz used on the back, dark
               colors, orange available for centers. Could be later. Antique mall or show purchase 2000s. 81"x82½" Fabric:
               Wool and cotton. Batting: None. Backing: Cotton chintz. Edge: Brown tape ½" to both sides, attached by
               hand in back. Piecing: Blocks by machine; logs not discernible. Quilting: None, nor tying, but the back is
               not loose. Seams can be felt but not seen. Condition: Very good. A thumbprint sized faded area appears in
               a blue corner block. Minimal moth holes.
                                                                                  Figure 279: Pineapple Log Cabin as
                                                                                  Wool Octogons
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