Page 321 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 321
log cabin 319
Pineapple Log Cabin 1900 plus or minus 20 years. Purchased in 1989 at a Tacoma Dome antique show.
60"x72" Fabric: Silk. Batting: None. Backing: Pink satiny finish (polished cotton?). Edge: Prairie Points.
Piecing: By hand and machine. The outer edge is turned under and top-stitched by machine. Backing is
attached by hand. Quilting: None. Tied visibly on the back only. Condition: Very good. About 35 pieces out
of about 1840 in the quilt top have splits or breakage. Appearance is not affected. Comment: The vendor
had acquired it a few days prior from the proprietor of a nursing home, who procured it from an estate or
from a client (or ripped off an old lady!?).
Figure 278: Pineapple Log Cabin