Page 320 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 320

               my mom had a
               quilt like that

               Log Cabin Variation Fabrics date 1890s to 1930s. eBay purchase 2017. 72"x92" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: None.
               Backing: White muslin showing some blue printing "Anchor" and picture of an anchor (from commodity
               sack). Edge: Separate blue binding. Piecing: By hand. Quilting: By hand along the edge of larger blocks.
               Condition: Very good. There is slight tanning of some whites and some dust along a fold line on the back.
               Fabrics are crisp, possibly unwashed. Comment: Good for its graphics.
                                                                                  Figure 277: Log Cabin Variation
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