Page 318 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 318
my mom had a
quilt like that
Log Cabin Light and Dark Diamonds 1920s, based on presence of a few logs of rayon, and absence of ’30s
prints. Purchased at an antique store in North Bend, WA in 1990. 82"x92" Fabric: Wool with a few cottons
and a silky synthetic, not frayed like silk. Batting: None. Backing: Rectangles in odd sizes in cotton print,
chintz, flannel, plaids, like sewing scraps. Edge: Edges are turned under, hand-stitched, and machine
stitched close to edge. Piecing: By hand, log-to-log evidently without a foundation patch. Quilting: Along
borders of blocks, 4 stitches to the inch, by hand. Condition: Very good. Extremely minor splits along a few
seams in the edge of the top. Brown stains on the back that do not go through.
Figure 275: Log Cabin Light and Dark