Page 35 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 35


               LEFT: Primitive Baskets in Red and White From skewed template. Possibly as old as 1880s based on fabric
               and color. Purchased in antique store in Puyallup, WA 1989. 57" x 73" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Cotton, very
               thick. Backing: Cotton print, white with a tiny red motif, replaced by a white muslin strip at the top. Edge:
               Front pulled to back and stictched by hand with an overcast stitch. Piecing: Although crudely cut, the ap-
               pliques are applied with a tiny, fine, even stitch by hand, 9 stitched per inch. Quilting: Hand quilted inside
               the red stripes. The white stripes outside the red on the top and bottom are by machine. In the center, the
               quilting echoes the shape of the basket in lines ¾" apart, but becoming straight lines at the outer edge, lines
               1-1½" apart, with large crooked stitches about 3 to the inch. Condition: Front has faint yellow age stains.
               The back is stained and split along fold lines with one flesh-colored patch and one 12" broad replacement
               strip of muslin at the top, both front and back. On the front, the muslin appears to cover a dilapidated red
               border. Front is good; back is poor. Comment: It appears that several hands made this quilt. This quilt is
               appealing for its primitive, simple graphic style.
                                                                                  Figure 14: Primitive Baskets in Red and
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