Page 40 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 40
my mom had a
quilt like that
Carolina Lily Baskets The gray sash is a color consistent with the age of 1890’s "mourning print," consistent
with a few patches of fugitive green. Purchased at Puyallup, WA antique show 62½"x71" Fabric: Cotton.
Batting: Cotton. Backing: Cotton muslin. Edge: 1" wide binding by hand on two edges; 2½" border on two
ends. Piecing: By hand; sashes by machine. Quilting: By hand, 5 stitches to the inch, in diagonal lines in
sets of two ½" apart close to motifs, single lines ¾" apart in the remainder of the field. Condition: Very good.
Comment: The vendor told me that she bought the quilt to cut up, but decided it was not a cutter, and sold
it instead.
Figure 19: Carolina Lily Baskets