Page 60 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 60
my mom had a
quilt like that
African American Yellow Bars Probably contemporary. eBay purchase 2015 from Pecan Bayou, TX. 58"x71.½"
Fabric: Cotton print. Batting: None. Backing: In two pieces, one light blue plain and the other light blue
striped. Edge: Back is brought to the front and top- stitched by machine flawlessly. Piecing: By machine.
Quilting:Tied with orange embroidery floss. Condition: Excellent. Comment: Likely an intentional work
of art. The fabric is the same darker-on-lighter subtle print, done in at least 13 different colors. The artist
might have purchased fat quarters to make it. It is done in a genre that is a hot collectible, but being more
conscious art as opposed to "improvisational" might carry less value.
Figure 37: African American Yellow