Page 63 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
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bricks, bars, and blocks   61

               Crazy Striped Blocks with Piano Key Edge 1900-1920, eBay purchase in 2012. 71"x79" Fabric: Wool, cotton, silk.
               Batting: None discernible. Backing: Cotton print that alternates green stripes with floral stripes of rose on
               white. Edge: The back is brought to the front ¼" and caught by hand. Piecing: By machine. Quilting: By
               hand in rows l½" apart, parallel to the stripes, 6 stitches per inch. Most doesn’t show on top. Condition:
               Very good. One white stripe is actually foundation showing where a silk has disappeared, and one silk in
               the "keyboard" around the edge has shattered. Comment: Desirable for the dynamic design and piano key
                                                                                  Figure 40: Crazy Striped Blocks with
                                                                                  Piano Key Edge
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