Page 391 - Landgrabbing, Bibliografi Beranotasi
P. 391

366   Dwi Wulan Pujiriyani, dkk

            Kaloustian, Jerry  et  all. 2011. Land Grabbing for Food & Fuel
                   Outsourcing a Rising Threat to the Right to Food.  www.
            Kamil,   Sus  Yanti, 2010, Ketika  Sawit  Merenggut  Kehidupan
                   Perempuan, JATAM.

            Kenney-Lazar, Miles. 2011. “Dispossession, Semi-Proletarianization,
                   And Enclosure: Primitive Accumulation and The Land Grab
                   In  Laos”, artikel dalam  International Conference  on  Global
                   Land Grabbing 6-8 April 2011. Land Deals Politics Initiative
                   (LDPI). Journal of Peasant dan University of Sussex.

            Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha, Evaluasi Kebijakan Perkebunan
                   Kelapa  Sawit  di Indonesia, Position  Paper  KPPU Terhadap
                   Perkembangan  Perkebunan  Kelapa  Sawit, KPPU Republik

            La  via  Campesina. 2008. Stop Land Grabbing Now, Say NO to
                   the principles of ‘responsible’ agro-enterprise investment
                   promoted by the World Bank.
            Lakshmi Balachandran, 2012, Elizabeth  Herb, Shahbano  Timirzi,
                   Erin  O’Reilly, 2012, “ Everyone  must  eat? Liberia, Food
                   Security and Palm Oil” artikel padaInternational Conference
                   on Global Land Grabbing II, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA,
                   17-19 October 2012.
            Land and Power, The growing Scandal Surrounding the New Wave of
                   Invesment in Land. Oxfam Brieing Paper, 22 September 2011,

            Lavers, T. (2012). “‘Land Grab’ as Development Strategy? The Political
                   Economy of Agricultural Investment in Ethiopia.” Journal of
                   Peasant Studies 39(1): 105-132,
                   doi/abs/10.1080/03066150.2011.652091, diakses  pada  29 Mei

            Levien, M. (2011). “Special Economic  Zones  and Accumulation  by
                   Dispossession  in  India.” Journal of  Agrarian  Change  11(4):
                   454-483,, diakses pada 29 Mei 2012.
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