Page 392 - Landgrabbing, Bibliografi Beranotasi
P. 392
Land Grabbing: Bibliografi Beranotasi 367
Levien, Michael. 2011. “The Land Question: Special Economic Zones
and the Political Economy of Dispossession in India” artikel
dalam International Conference on Global Land Grabbing
6-8 April 2011. Land Deals Politics Initiative (LDPI). Journal
of Peasant dan University of Sussex.
Li, Tania. 2012. What is Land? Anthropological Perspectives on the
Global Land Rush. Paper dalam Konferensi Internasional Global
Land Grabbing II, 17-19 Oktober, 2012. LDPI & Departement of
Development Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Li, Tania. M. 2011. Centering labor in the land grab debate. Journal of
Peasant Studies 38(2), 281-298.
Liu, Kan. 2012. “A Case Study of Land Transfer in Rural China”. Paper
submitted for LDPI Land Grabbing II, September 2012.
Liversage, Harold. 2010. Responding to ‘Land Grabbing’ and
Promoting Responsible Investment in Agriculture.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
TNI’s Global Land Grab Debate.
Lorenzo Cotula, Sonja Vermeulen, Rebeca Leonard and James Keeley.
2009. Land grab or development opportunity? Agricultural
investment and international land deals in Africa. London:
Lund, C. (2011). “Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and
dispossession in Laos.” Journal of Peasant Studies 38(4): 885-
905,, diakses pada 29 Mei 2012.
M Borras, Saturnino & Franco, Jennifer. 2012. Politics of Contemporary
Global Land Grabbing. Presentation Material on ICCO, 23-25
July 2012, Bali-Indonesia.
MacCarthy, John et all. 2012. A Land Grab Scenario for Indonesia?
Diverse Trajectories and Virtual Land Grabs in the Outer
Islands. www.future-agricultures. org.
Maclnnes, Megan. 2012. Corruption and Large-scale Land
Acquisitions: an analysis of the role high corruption plays