Page 389 - Landgrabbing, Bibliografi Beranotasi
P. 389

364   Dwi Wulan Pujiriyani, dkk

                   Estate in West Papua, Indonesia”, artikel dalam International
                   Conference  on  Global Land Grabbing 6-8 April 2011. Land
                   Deals  Politics  Initiative  (LDPI). Journal of  Peasant  dan
                   University of Sussex.

            Gironde, Christophe. 2012. The  rubber-tree  boom  in  Cambodia:
                   Assessing Small Landholders’ Optimism. Paper  submitted
                   for LDPI Land Grabbing II, September 2012.
            Gordon, Kathryn  &Pohl, Joachim. 2010. Freedom  of  Investment
                   Process, Responsible  Investment  in  Agriculture. Paris:
                   Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

            Grain. 2009. Seized: the 2008 Landgrab for Food and Financial
                   Security. Barcelona: Institute  for  National and Democratic
                   Studies atas kerjasama dengan GRAIN.

            Guillozet, Kathleen  & Bliss, John  C. 2011. Household Livelihoods
                   and Increasing Foreign  Investment  Pressure  in  Ethiopia`s
                   Natural Forests, artikel dalam  International Conference  on
                   Global Land Grabbing 6-8 April 2011. Land Deals  Politics
                   Initiative (LDPI). Journal of Peasant dan University of Sussex.

            Guttal, Shalmali. 2011. Whose Land? Whose Resosurces. Development,
                   2011, 54 (1).

            Haboddin, M. 2011. Masyarakat     Adat  Melawan   Perusahaan.
                   Governance. Vol. 2. No. 1, November 2011, hal 25-41 (16).

            Hall,  Derek, 2011, “Land Control, Land Grabs, and Southeast Asian
                   Crop  Booms”, artikel dalam  International Conference  on
                   Global Land Grabbing 6-8 April 2011, Land Deals  Politics
                   Initiative (LDPI), Journal of Peasant dan University of Sussex
            Hall, Derek. 2011. “Land Grabs, Land Control, and Southeast Asian
                   Crop Booms.” Journal of Peasant Studies 38(4), pp. 837-857.

            Hangzo, Pan Khan Khup dan Kuntjoro, Irene A. ‘Land Grabbing’as a
                   Food Security Phenomenon: a Critical Review.

            Hirsch, Philip. 2011. “Titling Against  Grabbing? Critiques  and
                   Conundrums   around Land Formalisation    in  Southeast
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