Page 384 - Landgrabbing, Bibliografi Beranotasi
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Land Grabbing: Bibliografi Beranotasi  359

                     dalam  International Conference  on  Global Land Grabbing
                     6-8 April 2011. Land Deals Politics Initiative (LDPI). Journal
                     of Peasant dan University of Sussex.
              Ballvé, Teo. 2011. “Territory  By  Dispossession: Decentralization,
                     Statehood, And The Narco Land-Grab In Colombia”, Artikel
                     Dalam International Conference On Global Land Grabbing
                     6-8 April 2011. Land Deals Politics Initiative (LDPI), Journal
                     of Peasant dan University of Sussex.
              Ballve,  Teo.  2012.  Grassroot  Masquerades:   Development,
                     Paramilitaries, and Land Laundering in  Colombia. Paper
                     dalam  Konferensi Internasional Global Land Grabbing II,
                     17-19 Oktober, 2012. LDPI & Departement  of  Development
                     Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
              Barlow, Colin; Zen, Zahari; Gondowarsito, Ria. 2003. The Indonesian
                     Oil Palm Industry. Oil Palm Economic Industry Journal 3: 1.

              Behrman, J., R. Meinzen-Dick, et al. (2012). “The gender implications
                     of large-scale land deals.” Journal of Peasant Studies 39(1): 49-
                     79,, diakses pada 29 Mei 2012.

              Behrman, Julia, et all. 2011. The Gender Implications of Large-Scale
                     Land Deals. IFPRI Discussion Paper.

              Benjaminsen, Tor A, et all. 2011. Conservation and Land grabbing in
                     Tanzania. Artikel dalam International Conference on Global
                     Land Grabbing 6-8 April 2011, Land Deals Politics Initiative
                     (LDPI), Journal of Peasant dan University of Sussex.

              Bhushan  Rawat, Vidya  et  all. 2011. The impact of special economic
                     zones in India: A  case study of Polepally SEZ.  International
                     Land Coalition (ILC)
              Bollin, Anna. 2011. Fenomena Global Perampasan Tanah. DTE 89-90.
                     November 2011.
              Borras dan Franco. 2012. Global Land Grabbing and Trajectories of
                     Agrarian Change A Preliminary Analysis. Journal of Agrarian
                     Change 12(1) 34-59.
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