Page 382 - Landgrabbing, Bibliografi Beranotasi
P. 382


              Aditjondro, George  Junus, 2011, Bisnis  Pahit  Kelapa  Sawit  (Kasus
                     Sumatera  Utara), makalah  dalam  Konferensi Alternatif
                     Peringatan 100 Tahun Sawit di Indonesia, Medan, Sumatera
                     Utara, 26-29 Maret 2011.
              AIDEnvirontment, 2003, Fact-sheet   Palm   Oil Production  in
                     Southeast Asia. www.aidenvirontment. org/fact-sheet.

              Alberto Alonso-Fradejas, 2012, “The Politics of Land Deals: Regional
                     Perspectives” artikel padaInternational Conference on Global
                     Land Grabbing II, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, 17-19
                     October 2012.

              Alejandro  Camargo, 2012, “Landscapes  of  Fear: Water  Grabbing,
                     Wetland Conservation, and the  Violence  of  Property  in
                     Colombia” artikel padaInternational Conference on Global
                     Land Grabbing II, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, 17-19
                     October 2012.

              Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA). 2010. Perampasan Tanah:
                     Sebab, Bentuk dan Akibatnya bagi Kaum Tani. www.farmland.
              Alice B Kelly. 2011. Conservation Practice as Primitive Accumulation.
                     Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(4) 683-701.

              Alison Graham, Sylvain Aubry, Rolf Künnemann and Sofía Monsalve
                     Suárez. 2011. “The  Role of the EU in Land Grabbing in Africa
                     - CSO Monitoring 2009-2010 Advancing African Agriculture
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