Page 20 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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    Brockville Tunnel Attraction Market Study (2014)
Brockville is home to Canada’s first railway tunnel, a unique historical attraction that has long been derelict and underutilized. In recent years a movement to restore the tunnel as an historical attraction by making it walkable through it’s half-kilometer length, and using it as a catalyst for surrounding development, has gained ground. TCI was retained to undertake a market and financial assessment of the project, and determine whether the operation could be a sustainable attraction, and what the community benefits might be.
Saskatchewan Heritage Forum for Municipal Officials (2014)
For the Saskatchewan Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport, Jon Linton led a workshop on heritage and economic development planning for approximately 90 persons involved in municipal heritage matters in Saskatchewan. Some 30 municipalities from across the province were represented. The morning consisted of a presentation on ’10 Strategies for Economic Development on Main Street’ and the afternoon was devoted to a workshop on using these strategies in crafting an economic development strategy unique to each community.
Terrace Bay Waterfront Development Study (2014)
Working with The Planning Partnership, TCI participated in the development of a Waterfront Master Plan for the Township. TCI’s role was to undertake financial analysis on the various components of the development and determine the ultimate sustainability of the overall package. A related sub-project involved a projection of the overall needs of the municipality for housing (number and types of units; this information then fed into the waterfront development plan as a component of that plan was executive and upscale housing.
Auckland (New Zealand) War Memorial Museum (2013)
This institution, the major museum of New Zealand, was undergoing a strategic plan and redevelopment study in order to continue to provide services to residents of the country, as well as to visitors. A central question was whether the museum could continue to offer free admission to residents (while a major charge was levied on tourists) or whether some sort of admission fee would be charged to residents. TCI worked with the Director of Business Development in putting together a business case to support the imposition of a modest resident fee.
Recent Relevant Experience
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