Page 19 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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Recent Relevant Experience
City of Waterloo Museum Collections and Museum Strategy (2014)
The City of Waterloo Museum is currently housed downtown in the Conestoga Mall, which has some major advantages as well as disadvantages in terms of a location for a major cultural facility. Also, the Museum has a collection of items that it inherited from the closure of the Seagram’s Museum in the 90s (as well as other items relating to the City’s history). The purpose of this project was to develop a future-oriented strategy for the museum’s collection and to determine the most appropriate longer-term location for the Museum.
Labrador City Strategic Plan (2016-17)
With D.W. Knight Associates, TCI helped develop a strategic plan for the Town of Labrador City. This was undertaken through extensive community consultation. One of the strong strategic directions emerging from the work was that there was a perceived benefit to amalgamation with the neighbouring town of Wabush, just 3 km. away. This direction was endorsed and the two communities are now actively exploring amalgamation options.
Mississauga Museums and Heritage Planning Strategic Plan (2016):
TCI spearheaded a team of consultants that developed an integrated strategic plan for the ‘Museums’ and ‘Heritage Planning’ units of the City of Mississauga. The philosophy underlying the strategy was that heritage planning and the museums functions within the city shared common cause in terms of identifying and interpreting the common stories of Mississauga. The emphasis underlying the development of the strategy is upon ‘storytelling’, and consulting the community to identify the meaningful and relevant stories that they would like to see reflected in heritage planning and museum exhibit efforts.
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Education and Training Centre Market Assessment Study (2017)
TCI was retained by the LSRCA to undertake a market assessment of it proposed new Education and Training Facility located at Scanlon Creek Conservation Authority. The work involved an economic and demographic scan of the population in the watershed, as well as interviews and surveys of both internal (staff) and external users of the facility. The results were incorporated into the on-going assessment of the feasibility of the initiative.
© TCI Management Consultants, 2020