Page 4 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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 Recent Relevant Experience
Town of Lincoln Museum & Cultural Centre (2020)
We were retained to undertake an Environmental Scan of community demographic and economic trends, as well as a review of trends in other community museums, as part of the preparation of a strategic plan for the newly-expanded Lincoln Museum & Cultural Centre. We also led a Facilitated Workshop of approximately 30 community leaders and stakeholders to discuss strategic directions for the new facility, based upon the learnings from the Environmental Scan.
Thorold Community Library Feasibility Study (2020)
In association with Hossack Associates (Architects) and Beth Ross Associates (library specialists) we undertook a feasibility study for expansion of the Thorold Public Library (to meet the needs of a considerably growing population). Several physical options were considered, including expansion on the existing downtown site, and the subsequent development of a branch location to the south of the community (the options ultimately adopted by the Library Board.)
Town of Paradise Strategic Plan (2019)
With Dennis Knight Associates and the Twells Consulting Group, TCI was involved in the development of a strategic plan for Paradise, a suburb of St. John’s and the fastest-growing town in Atlantic Canada. The project involved an extensive community survey (that elicited nearly 1000 responses!), a staff survey, focus groups and interviews. Five strategic action areas were identified: 1) economic development & infrastructure; 2) social & cultural development; 3) environmental sustainability; 4) regional co-operation; and 5) governance & accountability. In December 2019 Town Council unanimously adopted the plan.
Wellington County Museum and Archives Strategic Plan (2020)
With Christine Ardern Associates (archives specialists) TCI undertook the development of a strategic plan for the Museum and Archives operation of the County of Wellington. The project involved extensive interviews and focus groups throughout the County, a community survey, and the preparation of a strategic plan that met all of the requirements of the Ontario Government’s Community Museums Operating Grant (CMOG).
        © TCI Management Consultants, 2020

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