Page 5 - TCI Recent Relevant Experience, 2021
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Recent Relevant Experience
Grimsby Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan (2019)
With MHBC we developed a parks, recreation and culture Master Plan for the Town of Grimsby. The plan was based upon extensive public input through interviews, surveys, public meetings and attendance by the consultants at various community events and activities. TCI’S role in the plan was to develop the ‘arts and culture’ side of the plan, while MHBC’s role was to focus on the parks and recreation side. The integrated plan was adopted by Council in early 2019.
Stratford Arts and Culture Collective Feasibility Study (2019)
Stratford is a City blessed with top-quality high-end performing arts facilities. However, because of the popularity of the Stratford Festival and the demand for and cost of these facilities, community performing arts groups do not have access. SACC is a collective of 25+ local arts groups who have banded together to explore the feasibility of a new community-oriented facility. TCI undertook a feasibility study that demonstrated ‘proof of concept’ of the initiative and recommended next steps in pursuing the initiative.
Stratford Arts & Culture Collective
Neuberger (2019) Holocaust Education Centre Business Plan (2019)
TCI developed a Business Plan that looked at the financial implications of the Neuberger moving to a more prominent location within an overall revitalization of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) campus in north Toronto. The plan also involved considerable expansion of the space available at Centre, as well as new forms of interpretation using technology in an era where first-person witnessing of the Holocaust by survivors and descendants was in decline due to age.
Develop Saint John Fundy Quay Economic Impact (2019)
TCI undertook an economic impact assessment of two major development projects in Saint John – the first being a redevelopment of the prominent Fundy Quay, which was to involve a relocation of the provincial museum to the site, as well as a considerable amount of commercial and office development; and the second being a major nearby interchange (Ashburn Road). The project involved the development of a model using Statistics Canada multipliers, and the calculation of GDP, jobs and labour income, and tax benefits accruing to the province.
© TCI Management Consultants, 2020