Page 39 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
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38 TCI Management Consultants
Ø Authored policy for professional arts operating grants; Secured $80,000 increase in operating grants.
Ø Oversaw incorporation of cultural development goals into Official Community Plan.
Ø Established the City’s Public Art Committee and served as its staff resource.
Ø Served as staff resource to City’s Arts & Culture Advisory Committee.
Ø Served as staff resource to City’s Town Centres Implementation Committee.
Ø Designed “Parks Alive!” program of free outdoor summer entertainment in City Park.
Ø Designed “Art in the Park” program for visual art and craft sales in City Park.
Ø Oversaw doubling of Kelowna’s annual cultural funding to $1.3 million per
Ø Managed office, budget, government relations, communications.
§ Led public education/advocacy campaign for Kelowna’s cultural development.
Ø Initiated economic impact study of Kelowna’s cultural sector; Secured funding from consortium of local stakeholders; Directed work of contracted consultants; Authored final report.
Ø Established and chaired Council for Business & the Arts in Kelowna; Authored Council newsletters.
Ø Authored monthly op-ed column, “Culture Counts”, for Kelowna Daily Courier.
Ø Voiced monthly cultural commentary on CBC Radio’s “Daybreak” throughout Southern Interior of British Columbia.
Ø Advised Kelowna School District on design of “Careers-in-Culture” program.
Ø Advised Kelowna office of Human Resources Development Canada on
careers-in-culture publication
§ Conceived and led development of The Kelowna Cultural District.
Ø Proposed development of Cultural District to Mayor and Council; Secured
Council support.
Ø Secured federal funding for Cultural District planning from HRDC.
Ø Assisted Planning Department with Cultural District planning.