Page 38 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
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Ø Conducted on-site inventory of cultural experiences in Okanagan Valley.
Ø Reviewed market research; Identified target markets.
Ø Authored situation and SWOT analysis, including market-readiness assessment, destination typology.
Ø Co-authored marketing plan for domestic campaign.
Ø Co-designed cultural tourism research instruments with Tourism BC
Research Dept.
Ø Represented project to Tourism BC, Canadian Tourism Commission, Western Economic Diversification, regional and local governments.
Ø Developed strategic partnerships with Okanagan University College, Central Okanagan Regional District, Kelowna Hotel Motel Association.
Ø Managed office, budget, government relations, project communications.
1999 – 2000
Manager of Arts Development, Greater Victoria, British Columbia
3⁄4 Led public advocacy campaign for Victoria’s cultural tourism development.
3⁄4 Researched and authored “Culture, Tourism, & The New Economy”, quantifying
potential size of Victoria’s cultural tourism economy.
3⁄4 Authored framework strategy to develop Victoria’s cultural tourism economy.
3⁄4 Oversaw $500,000 in annual arts grants, Secured $50,000 annual increase.
3⁄4 Represented office to Victoria Economic Development Commission, Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Victoria Association, University of Victoria, Tourism Victoria, Tourism BC.
3⁄4 Worked in association with Downtown Victoria Association to develop two-page centerfold for the Victoria Times-Colonist, focusing on Victoria’s arts and cultural assets vis-à-vis tourism as an economic driver.
3⁄4 Managed office, budget, government relations, communications, staff.
1995 – 1999
Arts Development Officer, City of Kelowna, BC.
§ Directed development of Kelowna’s cultural planning, policies, programs, and funding mechanisms.
Ø Authored festivals funding policy; Secured $100,000 in annual funding.
Ø Co-authored 1 percent public art policy; Secured 1 percent annual funding.
37 TCI Management Consultants