Page 21 - The Voice - Fall 2016_Winter 2017
P. 21

Following the Literary luncheon the Teens opened their Ple-  well Speech”.
nary sessions. President Teen Jordan Young and the Execu-    Lady Bryson-Jacobs announced the results of the TTA Elec-
tive Board carried out their business.
Plenary I was general business and committee reports. After                                      tion. The 2015-2017 Officers
a short break Plenary 2 began and focused on Nominations                                         formally installed the 2017-
and the Candidates’ speeches. In the evening there was a                                         2019 Board. Officers.
Candidate Social in which the Candidates campaigned, and                                         TTA Advisor Lady Barbara
shared their visions of leader-                                                                  Stowe and the 2017-2019 Ar-
ship.                                                                                            ea IV TTA Elected Officers.
                                                                                                 President, Teen Demetria
                                                                                                 Hudson; 1st Vice President,
                                                                                                 Teen Makayla Smoak; 2nd
                                                                                                 Vice President, Teen Tyriq
                                                                                                 Rowe; Financial Secretary,
                                                                                                 Teen Lindsay M Marriott;
                                                                                                 Treasurer, Teen Kelliaun Hall;
                                                                                                 Recording Secretary, Teen
                                                                                                 Jordynn Foster; Assistant Re-
                                                                                                 cording Secretary,Teen

Saturday morning after voting
Teens and Advisorswent
offsite. They toured the his-
toric Morris Brown College
where a fabulous ‘soul food’
lunch was served. After lunch

                                                             Michaela Gaithings.

                                                             The Presentation Ball was held in the evening with all 23

                                                             chapters represented by Mr.& Miss Top Teen. Additional
                                                             Awards were presented for Chapter Program of Work, Top
                                                             Teen of the Year and TTA President of the Year.
was a student led campus tour complete withpresentations on  On Sunday before we departed we enjoyed a Gospel Extrav-
the history of the school.                                   aganza that featured past national TTA Presi-
Area Teens listening
to the history of
Morris Brown Col-
lege presented by
students of the
school and the Ad-

missions Officer.

Part two of the
offsite was a visit to
Ebenezer Baptist Church for highlights of the life of Dr.
King and his family. The tour included the King Center,
MLK burial tomb and the eternal flame.
Upon returning to the conference site the third Plenary was

held. Area President Teen Jordan introduced Stevie Baggs,
Jr. a former NFL and CFL player. He gave a moving inspira-
tional ‘talk’ to the Teens about life choices.
This was followed by Teen Jordan’s ‘State of Area IV Fare-   dent LeZaire Reese.

The Voice ~ Volume 1, Issue 1
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