Page 54 - The Voice_Fall 2017
P. 54


It’s with great honor  that I introduce you to Area V.
Awesome Chapters which consists of Cincinnati, Columbus,
Cite’ Detroit , Dayton, Detroit, Greater Cleveland,
Kentuckiana, Indianapolis, Michigan Metro, North West
Indiana, Renaissance, Saginaw, Toledo.

Our Chapter’s teens are leaders in Top Teens of America, Inc
who have impacted, enhanced and transformed communities
with their service, participations and partnerships as leaders
for tomorrow.

I’m Area V. Top Teens Advisor Lady Annmarie Byers who                          Lady AnnmarieByers
have the privilege and joy of serving with all Area V. Top                     Area V TTA Advisor
Teens and their Chapter Advisors.

Please explore Area V page to view the commitment and
dedication which our teens share their time, gifts, energy and
talent to improve communities across America.

 In accordance with our National Momentum which highlights
monthly programming Thrusts ,Projects and Community
Partnerships such as the March of Dimes, Noble, UNCF and Sickle
Cell, where all chapter’s teens has the opportunity to participate.
Our teens also are able to attend Area Leadership Conferences and
National Leadership Academy to strengthen their leadership skills
with world renowned facilitators and TopTeens nationwide.
It is with hope that you will continue to visit us and follow the
leadership and service rendered by Area V. Top Ladies and Top

                                                            Yours in Service,
                                                       Lady Annmarie Byers
                                                  Area V Top Teen Advisor
                                                     Area V Facebook Page

                                                        Area V Twitter Page

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