Page 15 - Latinas Powering Forward Whitepaper_November 2019
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Latinas Powering Forward

        Voices of Influence

        In the age of influencer marketing, Latinas are naturally good at spreading the word about products, culture and
        social issues, making them the new leading voice of women across communities. This is illustrated by the top 20
        Latina YouTubers, who collectively have 86 million subscribers around the world.  Latinas have their own perspective
        about what is good and what matters, which is not always captured by other mainstream voices. They are creating
        new places where millions can connect and setting new standards in areas like beauty, fashion, sports, family life and
        other interests important to them. They are micro and macro influencers with connections that cross borders into
        Latin America and Spain, bringing fresh ideas and creativity to the mainstream American culture.

                               Latinas Taking Influence to the Next Level

                                          Sean Zanni / Patrick McMullan via Getty Images  John Shearer / Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images  Steve Granitz / WireImage via Getty Images

            Defining the New Mainstream:     Advocating for Women:            Thriving Actress and
            As an actress, singer, dancer,   Actress and singer Selena Gómez
            fashion designer, producer       is a well-known advocate for     Colombian actress, Sofía Vergara,
            and businesswoman, Jennifer      Hispanics and women. She         was second on the 2019 Forbes
            López has become an American     recently became the executive    Magazine list of the top 10
            icon of beauty and success for   producer of a documentary        highest-paid women in Hollywood,
            women of all backgrounds. JLO    about immigration rights, proudly   with $44 million in estimated
            is #16 on the 2019 Brandwatch    embracing her Hispanic heritage   earnings. Sofía Vergara has a
            report of the top 20 most        and history. Gómez claims a spot   significant presence in American
            followed Instagram accounts      on Brandwatch’s top 20 most      movies and TV, bringing Latin
            with 103 million followers and   followed Instagram accounts at   visibility to the mainstream.
            she has an estimated net worth   #5 with 159 million followers.   She is a perfect example of how
            of $400 million. Her ventures    Her advocacy, coupled with her   immigrants and Latina women can
            include fashion, beauty, fitness,   formidable following shows the   create extraordinary success in the
            and fragrances, among others.    positive influence she has on    United States.
            Limitless, the title of one of her   younger generations and stands
            hit songs, deftly describes the   out as an advocate for women of
            extent of her inventiveness and   all backgrounds.

          Sources: “The Top 20 Most Followed Accounts on Instagram.” Brandwatch, 2019 / Berg, Madeline.
          “I’ll Do It Myself: Witherspoon, Aniston and Robbie Top this Year’s Highest-Paid Actresses by Taking on Hollywood’s Male Problem.”
          Forbes, 2019

        15       “Latina YouTubers: Top 20 Hispanic YouTube Stars Influencing Online Video.” MediaKix, 2018.

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