Page 11 - Latinas Powering Forward Whitepaper_November 2019
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Latinas Powering Forward
Dominating Workforce Growth
At the core of the Latina psyche is a
hard work ethic that has driven her Labor Force Participation Growth from 2000 to 2017
workforce growth to outpace both
non-Latinas and Latino males for
the first time in history. From 2000 Latinas 93%
to 2017, the Latina workforce grew Growth
93% compared to 71% for Latino
males and 13% for non-Latinas. NON-LATINAS 71%
Latinas are making work a priority Latino Males Growth
and filling more new jobs with their
“whatever it takes” mentality.
Non - 13%
New job prospects for Latinas are Latinas Growth
excellent as the country opens
more positions that Latinas are Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2000 and 2017
already equipped to fill. Of the top *Workforce includes ages 16+ civilian workforce and armed forces.
30 occupations forecasted to grow
most from 2018 to 2028, Latinas
are well-represented in about half,
which are concentrated in service,
healthcare and food industries. 7 Sample of Fast Forecasted Growth in U.S. Occupations
2018 - 2028
While Latinas are filling these BLS % Hispanics
important and high-growth Occupation Forecasted Employed in
occupations, they started from Growth 2018
behind and still lack representation
in professional positions, which are Personal Care Aides 36% 22%
instrumental for minimizing the
wage inequities and increasing their Home Health Aides 37% 16%
influence and power. Additionally, Medical Assistants 23% 29%
Latinas have more than doubled
their STEM representation Cooks 22% 35%
in professional science and
engineering positions between 1995 Phlebotomists 23% 20%
and 2015 from 3% to 6%. While still
behind the total population, this Licensed or Vocational Nurses 11% 12%
growth shows significant movement Source: “Occupations with the Most Job Growth.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
in this important arena. United States Department of Labor, 2018.
Latinas’ hard work ethic has driven their workforce growth
to outpace both non-Latinas and Latino males
for the first time in history.
7 “Occupations with the Most Job Growth.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor, 2018.
8 Science and Engineering Indicators. National Science Board. 2018.
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