Page 8 - Latinas Powering Forward Whitepaper_November 2019
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Latinas Powering Forward
Cultural Bothness
Cultural Bothness is the equal integration of two
cultures and languages into one. Latinas have merged
their heritage and their Americanness to their advantage
during a time when ethnic identity and pride are at an
all-time high. While prior generations just wanted to
fit in, young Latinas have the will to stand out and are 200%ers ®
driven to help mold their neighborhoods and workplaces
into more accepting and open cultures. Bicultural Latinas Over half (53%) of Latinas
have higher self-esteem and are better equipped to live in bilingual homes where
negotiate different points of view across the cultural they fully embrace
divide. Today three-quarters (75%) of Latinas ages 16+
speak Spanish at home, with 53% skilled at speaking both sides of themselves.
both languages and 22% Spanish dependent, meaning 100% Latina
limited English proficiency. +
100% American.
Many assume that because young Latinas are
increasingly U.S. born, they are losing their ability to
speak Spanish, but that is not the case. Even among the Cultural Bothness is economically shrewd for Latinas
younger Hispanic generations, 62% under age 18 speak because it can serve as a competitive advantage for
Spanish at home as do 72% of millennials compared better job opportunities and potentially higher wages.
to about 80% of those age 39 or older. Hispanics A recent study found the number of job postings
embrace their cross-cultural, cross-border, and cross- requiring English and Spanish grew two-and-a-half
language way of life. Latinas do not want or have to times from 2010 to 2015, when there were almost half
choose one culture over another; their knowledge and a million online job listings. This demand for bilingual
understanding of two cultures is a strength that can employees is true for jobs across the social strata, from
have lasting benefits in a country increasing in cultural administrative positions to professional managers.
diversity and global fluency. Companies will also benefit from a larger Latina
workforce with the ability to serve the needs
of a more bilingual, diverse and global marketplace.
Language Spoken at Home by Latinas in 2017 (Age 16+)
75% of Latinas Speak Spanish at Home
22% 53% 25%
of Latinas are of Latinas are of Latinas Speak
Spanish Dependent Bilingual English Only
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2017.
1 Yamaguchi, Ayano, et al. “Relationship between Bicultural Identity and Psychological Well-Being among American and Japanese Older Adults.”
Health Psychology Open, vol.3, no.1, 2016.
2 “The Nation’s Latino Population Is Defined by its Youth.” Pew Research Center, 2016.
3 Not Lost in Translation: The Growing Importance of Foreign Language Skills in the U.S. Job Market. New American Economy, March 2017.
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