Page 9 - Latinas Powering Forward Whitepaper_November 2019
P. 9

Latinas Powering Forward


              LANGUAGE                          FOOD                             TRADITIONS

              74% of Latinas believe            Food is a timeless               69% of Latinas say it is
              it is important to teach          cornerstone of culture with      important to respect
              Spanish to their children         86% of Latinas saying            traditional customs and
              as a way to preserve              they enjoy eating                beliefs.
              the culture.                      traditional Hispanic food.

           Source: Spring 2018 NHCS Adult Study 12 months.

        Deferred Marriage and Childbearing

        The societal expectation of early
        marriage has changed, and young
        Latinas are increasingly putting off    Never-Married Millennial Latinas (ages 23-38)
        marriage and childbearing to focus                            2000 - 2017
        on education and career goals. Over
        the past 17 years, the percentage
        of never-married millennial Latinas                                         2017
        dramatically increased. From 2000
        to 2017, never-married millennial                                           2000
        Latinas (ages 23-38) grew from 27%
        to 47%, a 20-point percentage.                                      Millennial    27%
        Accompanying the deferment of
        marriage, the average age when
        Latinas have their first child climbed
        out of the Gen-Z cohort and into                                              47%
        millennials. The average age of
        first-time Latina moms increased
        from 22.7 to 24.8 years from 2000       Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey,  2000, 2017.
        to 2017. 4

        4       Births: Final Data for 2017. 8th ed., vol. 67, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018.

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