Page 10 - Latinas Powering Forward Whitepaper_November 2019
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Latinas Powering Forward
Academic Breakthroughs
Latinas are making significant Millennial Latinas with an associate, Among millennials during
progress across all levels of higher bachelor’s or graduate degree grew this period, the Latina college
education enrollment and degree an impressive 70% over the past two attainment growth rate of 70%
completion. A combination of decades, with 17% earning a college outpaced both Latino males who
trends is likely at play, including the degree in 2000 versus 30% in 2017. increased 56% and non-Latina
assertiveness of the next generation Bachelor’s degrees grew at the same females who increased 35%.
of Latinas, the rise of all women, rate as associate degrees, upending Latina college completion rates
the realization that economic past concerns that Hispanics were are expected to continue growing,
independence is a reachable goal not completing four-year degrees. given that 34% of Gen-Z Latinas
and the desire to make good on were enrolled in college in 2017
the sacrifices of their parents. compared to 18% in 2000.
Additionally, Latinas are venturing
Latina Millennial College Degree out and earning bachelor’s degrees
Attainment 2000 - 2017 in non-traditional fields. The share
of bachelor’s STEM degrees in
psychology, social sciences and
biological sciences almost doubled
from 5% in 2005 to 9% in 2014
17% among Latinas. 5
Among employed women in science
and engineering occupations who
23% earned their highest degree in
STEM, Latinas increased from 4%
to 10% from 1995 to 2015.
College has been a goal for many
30% generations of Hispanics, but never
have the enrollment and graduation
figures been so promising.
2000 2010 2017
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey,
2000, 2010, 2017.
Millennial Latinas
with a college degree
grew 70%
over the past two decades.
5 “Field of Degree: Women, Men, and Racial and Ethnic Groups.” Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering,
National Science Foundation, 2014.
6 Science and Engineering Indicators. National Science Board. 2018.
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