Page 7 - Latinas Powering Forward Whitepaper_November 2019
P. 7

Latinas Powering Forward


        Latina Population Boom

        Younger and growing faster than
        all other U.S. females combined,       Growth Among Latinas and Non-Latinas by Age
        Latinas have gained and will           2000-2017
        continue to strive for more social
        clout to influence their American
        spaces in ways that were not             Ages  65+                               141%
        possible before. Currently, 29 million                                 42%
        or almost one in five (18%) U.S.
        females are Latina.                                                          118%
                                                 Ages  39-64
        The population of Latinas overall
        grew seven times faster than             Millennials           48%
        non-Latina females from 2000 to          Ages 23-38           3%           19x   faster
        2017, and Latina millennials grew
        an astounding 19 times faster than                                 71%
        their non-Latina peers during that       Gen Z                 11%
                                                 Ages 16-22
        same period. Latinas under age 16
        increased 54%, while non-Latinas
        that age decreased 9%.                   Less than              54%          Non-Latina girls
                                                 Age 16             -9%              in negative growth
        American in every sense,
        two-thirds (65%) of Latinas overall      All Ages                   74%            7x faster
        are U.S. born, a figure that increases                         10%                     growth
        for younger generations – 41% of
        Latinas age 39 or older are U.S.

        born, 60% of Latina millennials                         Latinas         Non-Latina Females
        (23-38), 82% of Gen Z Latinas
        (16-22) and 94% of Latinas under       Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2000 and 2017.
        age 16. These younger generations
        are American in their values,
        priorities, expectations and

                             Latinas overall grew seven times faster

                         than non-Latina females from 2000 to 2017.

                      Latinas under the age of 40 grew 55% from 2000 to 2017,
              while non-Latina females lost 1% of their populace during the same period.

               65% of Latinas are under the age of 40 vs. 48% of non-Hispanic females.

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