Page 40 - Facilities Learning Academy Catalog (current)
P. 40
O f f i c e o f P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t
Mentoring Goal
A departmental program designed to offer support to internal employees in pursuit of their professional
development & career goals. The goal of the Facilities y Mentor program is to establish a trusting
relationship with accountability and responsibility from the mentor and mentee.
Students First * Integrity * Equity * Collaboration * Accountability * Fun
How Do You Apply For The Program?
There are three ways to participate in
the program:
1. Enroll into the Facilities
Leadership Bridge Program (FLB)
and after completing three (3) of
the designated courses, you can
submit for the Y Mentor
2. If you have already completed the
courses in the Leadership Bridge
you can submit for the Y
Mentor Program
3. If you are currently in a
leadership role, and completed
DPSM and/or DPSL, you can
submit for the Y Mentor
Denver Public Schools
F A C I L I T Y M A N A G E M E N T D E P A R T M E N T 39