Page 364 - Cam General 15-16-17-18-19
P. 364


          Questions 15-20

         Complete the sentences below.

         Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

          Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

         15   Pa「king is limited, so the use of alternative methods of transpo「t and the
                              ..............…. of cars is encouraged.

         16  Staff with the highest ......................……………........... .... are given pa「king spaces first.

         17  Some parking spaces are reserved for company vehicles du「ing the
                                   ... but may be used by staff at other times.

         18  If an employee leaves the company permanently, their parking space will normally
              be given to their .....

         19  If an employee takes extended leave, their parking space will be given to the
              person who provides ................................................…...... for the absent employee.

         20  All .....……......… …… ………........... about car parking should be sent to the HR Manager.

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