Page 204 - GQ 12
P. 204
A 14th-century Karaite view of Jewish history and philosophy of religion 27*
Text: Yefet ibn Saghir’s Book of Commandments, Book One, chapters 3
and 4.
ג: Moscow, Günzberg manuscript 1021 (XV-XVI cent.).
The only other textual witness is a ms presumably of the same age, whose
fragments are now to be found under three different shelfmarks:
) פ(א: St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, Y.-A. 1.553, ff. 8r-17r, with
a lacuna after f. 15v. Content: ( אלפצל א ̇לתא ̇לת8r incipit) - ומן כאן ה ̇דא סבילה
( פליס15v), then after a lacuna partly filled by the two following fragments,
( פי אלאצול מתחכמון פי אלפרועf. 16r) - ( ואלאגתהאד אלבלי ̇ג ואלנ ̇טר אלסליםf. 17r
)פ(ב: Y.-A. 1.2588, 1 f. Content: ( תת פחדך ויראתךincipit) - ̇תם סאל ישמעאל
(explicit). It continues directly with the following number.
)פ(ג: Y.-A. 2.389, 1 f. Content: אנא נומן באלוחדאני ̈ה:( פקאלוincipit) - אמא אלקראיין
( פמגתהדיוןexplicit)
Other sigla:
נוסח המסורה = נ"מ
- = השמטותomission
+ = הוספותaddition
< > = superlinear addition / correction
* = prima manus (reading of the first hand)
= אבtext marked for deletion by the scribe (by a strikethrough, supralinear
dots, etc.).
Left unmentioned in the apparatus: false starts in biblical quotes or
superfluous letters at the end of lines, different abbreviations ()נח' – נחוהא,
matres lectionis added or missing as against the Masoretic text.
דקדוק, = בלאוJ. Blau, A grammar of mediaeval Judaeo-Arabic. 2nd ed.
Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1980.