Page 102 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 102


              The 101 Most Unusual              The Five Senses                   The 50 Healthiest
              Diseases and Disorders            and Beyond                        Habits and

              EVELYN B. KELLY                   The Encyclopedia                  Lifestyle Changes
                                                of Perception                     MYRNA CHANDLER GOLDSTEIN
                                                                                  AND MARK A. GOLDSTEIN, MD
                                                JENNIFER L. HELLIER, EDITOR

              November 2015, 287pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-61069-675-3
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD
              eBook: 978-1-61069-676-0          November 2016, 496pp, 7x10        July 2016, 303pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-3416-5          Print: 978-1-4408-3471-4
                                                $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            $58.00, £45.00, €53.00
               “ roundup of uncommon            eBook: 978-1-4408-3417-2          eBook: 978-1-4408-3472-1
                 Kelly presents a solid starter
                         ”                         Undergraduate college           “ All aspects of health are
                     —Library Journal, June 1, 2016  “ students studying anatomy,   addressed for individuals of
               “ handy introduction to the        bioengineering, cytology,         all ages, making this book a
                 This book can serve as a
                                                                                    valuable companion. The work
                                                  etiology, neurology, and other
                                      ”           benefit from entries in The Five   advice for a myriad of health
                disorders. Recommended.           sensory related sciences will     provides trusted physician
                            —Choice, July 1, 2016  Senses and Beyond. This title    issues, right at readers’
              This book explores serious diseases   will also be beneficial to health   fingertips. Recommended. All
              and disorders that most readers have   librarians. Recommended. ”            ”
              never heard of, ranging from genetic,         —ARBA, March 13, 2017            —Choice, January 4, 2017
              infectious, and environmental diseases                              This book summarizes the findings
              to autoimmune, idiopathic, and mental   How do our human senses work and   of scientific research studies to
              disorders.                        help us interact with our surroundings,
                                                and what happens when these senses   provide readers with straightforward
              FEATURES                          malfunction or are impaired? This book   information on a wide variety of healthy
              •  Provides readers with interesting facts   provides in-depth information that   habits and the factors that may make
                and insights into unusual or rarely   answers these questions and more.  them difficult to follow.
                seen diseases and disorders from
                the perspective of an experienced   FEATURES
                medical writer                  •  Provides an introductory essay that   MYRNA CHANDLER GOLDSTEIN,
                                                                                  MA, has been a freelance writer and
              •  Supplies accessible information for   gives readers a firm conceptual   independent scholar for more than 25
                students and general readers and   framework on the subject of human   years.
                serves as a jumping-off point for   senses before delving into greater   MARK A. GOLDSTEIN, MD, is
                further research into an unusual topic   detail                   founding chief of the Division of
                or disorder                                                       Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine
                                                JENNIFER L. HELLIER, PhD, is      at Massachusetts General Hospital and
                                                assistant professor in the Departments   associate professor of pediatrics at
              EVELYN B. KELLY, PhD, is a medical   of Family Medicine and Cell &
              writer and professor of education at   Developmental Biology at the University   Harvard Medical School.
              Saint Leo University’s Ocala Education   of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus,
              Center, Ocala, FL.
                                                Aurora, CO.
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