Page 99 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 99


                FORTHCOMING                     Chronic Diseases                    NEW

              The Gut Microbiome                An Encyclopedia of Causes,        Human Medical
                                                Effects, and Treatments
              Exploring the Connection                                            Experimentation
              between Microbes, Diet,           2 VOLUMES                         From Smallpox
                                                JEAN KAPLAN TEICHROEW, EDITOR
              and Health                                                          Vaccines to Secret
              ANA MARIA R. MOISE                                                  Government Programs
                                                                                  FRANCES R. FRANKENBURG, EDITOR

                                                December 2016, 852pp, 7x10
              GREENWOOD                         Print: 978-1-4408-0103-7
              October 2017, 200pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4  $189.00, £146.00, €172.00         GREENWOOD
              Print: 978-1-4408-4264-1          eBook: 978-1-4408-0104-4          January 2017, 322pp, 7x10
              $58.00, £45.00, €53.00                                              Print: 978-1-61069-897-9
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4265-8                                            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
                                                 “ This is a useful set for public,   eBook: 978-1-61069-898-6

              This accessibly written, comprehensive   high school, and consumer-
                                                  health libraries in need.
              summary of research findings on the                    ”            Intended for students and general
              gut microbiome and its implications for       —Booklist, March 2, 2017  readers alike, this encyclopedia
              health and disease—a topic of growing   This comprehensive two-volume work   covers the history of human medical
              interest and concern—serves as an   provides an overview of an area of   experimentation, for better and worse,
              essential resource for teachers and   growing concern, offering readers a one-  from the time of Hippocrates to the
              students.                         stop resource for researching the chronic   present.
              FEATURES                          conditions that increasingly plague our   FEATURES
              •  Presents the most recent gut   society.                          •  Offers readers a broad understanding
                microbiome research in a way that   FEATURES                        of human experimentation
                is accessible to students interested   •  Presents comprehensive, up-to-date   •  Reviews experimentation from
                in biological sciences and nutrition   information in an easily accessible   the point of view of the history of
                studies                           style                             medicine
              •  Includes engaging sidebars and case   •  Examines the many facets of   •  Features introductory and time-period
                studies that serve to better illustrate   researching, diagnosing, and   overview essays that add necessary
                the connections between gut       controlling chronic diseases      contextual information and primary
                microbiota, human physiology, and                                   source documents that support AP
                chronic disease                 •  Covers preventive measures such as   and Common Core objectives
                                                  selecting a nutrition plan, physical
              •  Provides insight into the role   activity, vaccinations, and screenings
                of nutrition in shaping the gut
                microbiota and suggestions for                                    FRANCES R. FRANKENBURG, MD, is
                improving human health                                            professor of psychiatry at the Boston
                                                JEAN KAPLAN Teichroew, MA, is a   University School of Medicine and
                                                freelance editor and writer as well   chief of inpatient psychiatry at the Edith
              ANA MARIA R. MOISE, MS, CNS,      as vice president of communications   Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans
              LDN, is a licensed clinical nutritionist   at the Anxiety and Depression   Hospital in Bedford, MA.
              and author who practices medical   Association of America (ADAA).
              nutrition therapy in Northampton, MA.
                                             ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    97
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