Page 94 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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            The Psychology of Everyday Life

                                                  FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING

                                                Hanging Out                       Blowing Up

                                                The Psychology                    The Psychology
                                                of Socializing                    of Conflict
                                                VALERIE HILL AND                  RANDI MINETOR
                                                TENNILLE NICOLE ALLEN

              Many readers, especially teenagers and
              young adults, come to the psychology
              section of a library looking to find
              answers to questions they have about
              why they—or people they know—are   GREENWOOD                        GREENWOOD
              feeling or acting a certain way. They don’t   December 2017, 196pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4  September 2017, 196pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              care much about abstract, academic   Print: 978-1-4408-4392-1       Print: 978-1-4408-4467-6
                                                                                  $38.00, £30.00, €35.00
              theories; they want to learn about real-  $38.00, £30.00, €35.00    eBook: 978-1-4408-4468-3
              world examples and applications that are   eBook: 978-1-4408-4393-8
              relevant to them.
                                                How does socializing and “hanging   This is a powerful resource for anyone
              Each volume in The Psychology of   out” with friends play a key role in our   who wants to understand the nature
              Everyday Life examines the psychology   lives? This book explores the world of   of interpersonal conflict—to study it,
              behind a particular facet of everyday   socialization as it occurs in the United   understand why it’s a consistent part of
              life—from exercising to eating, from   States as well as other cultures.  human history, and perhaps avert it in
              relaxing to socializing with friends.                               their own lives.
              Through an accessible format and easy-  FEATURES
              to-understand language, these books   •  Examines the ways people socialize   FEATURES
              explore the who, what, where, when,   at various stages of life, what we   •  Presents a fascinating investigation
              why, and how of the psychology of these   give and get as we socialize, and   into the many forms of conflict and
                                                  how people socialize across race and
              everyday contexts and examine key   gender lines                      the ways these have an impact on
                                                                                    everyday life
              issues and debates related to them.
                                                •  Explains the findings of classical   •  Establishes the importance of
                                                  and current research regarding    conflict in our lives, as well as the
                                                  socialization without using complex   surprising concept that conflict can be
                                                  terminology                       constructive and useful rather than
                                                                                    simply destructive
                                                VALERIE HILL, PhD, is associate
                                                professor in the department of
                                                psychology at Lewis University,   RANDI MINETOR, MA, is the author
                                                Romeoville, IL.                   of more than 60 books in the areas of
                                                                                  sociology, reference, history, business,
                                                TENNILLE NICOLE ALLEN, PhD, is an   folklore, travel, nature, and general
                                                associate professor at Lewis University,   interest.
                                                Romeoville, IL.
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