Page 93 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Characters on                     How Animals                       Evolutionary
              the Couch                         Think and Feel                    Psychology

              Exploring Psychology              An Introduction to                How Our Biology Affects
              through Literature and Film       Non-Human Psychology              What We Think and Do
              DEAN A. HAYCOCK, PHD              KEN CHENG                         VALERIE G. STARRATT

              GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD
              August 2016, 334pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   October 2016, 294pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4  May 2016, 287pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-4408-3698-5          Print: 978-1-4408-3714-2          Print: 978-1-61069-681-4
              $68.00, £53.00, €62.00            $58.00, £45.00, €53.00            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3699-2          eBook: 978-1-4408-3715-9          eBook: 978-1-61069-682-1

               “ application. . . . This text    “ important gap in the field by   This book considers the complexities
                                                  Overall, this volume fills an
                 Has potential for real-world
                                                                                  of human nature from a biological,
                may expand viewpoints of          providing an approachable       psychological, and evolutionary
                the effects of mental illness.    introduction to these topics    standpoint and demonstrates how
                Recommended for psychology        for psychology students.        common modern behaviors can be
                                      ”                        ”
                students and practitioners.       Recommended.                    traced back to early man.
                   —Library Journal, January 11, 2017        —Choice, April 3, 2017  FEATURES
              Providing intriguing insights for students,   This highly accessible book explains key   •  Introduces evolutionary psychology
              film buffs, and readers of various genres   scientific findings in the areas of animal   through a thematic, chapter-based
              of fiction, this fascinating book delves   cognition, emotion, and behavior in   format
              into the psychology of 100 well-known   easy-to-understand language.  •  Explores one of the fastest-growing
              fictional characters.                                                 subfields in psychology today and
                                                FEATURES                            presents contemporary debates that
              FEATURES                          •  Offers readers a holistic view of the   foster critical thinking skills
              •  Provides an engaging and entertaining   subject via a thematic chapter format   •  Showcases high-interest information
                way to learn about both positive   that explores the subject from a   through engaging sidebars
                psychology and mental health issues   variety of angles           •  Defines unfamiliar terms and concepts
                through the behavior of interesting   •  Presents debate sections that offer
                and often familiar characters, leading   insights into current controversies and   •  Includes a comprehensive
                to a better understanding of human   model critical thinking and argument   bibliography for further study
                behavior                          development skills

                                                •  Includes profiles of specific animal   VALERIE G. STARRATT, PhD, is
              DEAN A. HAYCOCK, PhD, is a science   species that allow readers to easily   associate professor of psychology at
                                                                                  Nova Southeastern University in Fort
              and medical writer.                 look up information about that animal  Lauderdale, FL.
                                                KEN CHENG, PhD, is professor of
                                                biological sciences at Macquarie
                                                University, Sydney, Australia.

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