Page 96 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 96


              Abuse                             From the Brain                    Phobias

              An Encyclopedia of                to the Classroom                  The Psychology
              Causes, Consequences,             The Encyclopedia                  of Irrational Fear
              and Treatments                    of Learning                       IRENA MILOSEVIC AND
                                                                                  RANDI E. MCCABE, EDITORS

              GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD                         GREENWOOD
              April 2015, 330pp, 7x10           January 2014, 589pp, 7x10         March 2015, 444pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-61069-514-5          Print: 978-1-61069-539-8          Print: 978-1-61069-575-6
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            $100.00, £77.00, €91.00           $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
              eBook: 978-1-61069-515-2          eBook: 978-1-61069-540-4          eBook: 978-1-61069-576-3
                                                                                  Combining popular appeal with
               “ . . . It provides quick facts   Supplying a foundation for       accessibly written entries suitable
                 A reliable reference resource.

                for a beginning psychology      understanding the development of   for research projects, this fascinating
                                                the brain and the learning process,
                                                                                  encyclopedia provides a thorough
                or sociology researcher         this text examines the physical and   introduction to the psychological and
                in an academic library.         environmental factors that influence
                Public libraries can use this   how we acquire and retain information   scientific aspects of phobias.
                encyclopedia as a resource      throughout our lives. The book also lays   FEATURES
                to update or inform their       out practical strategies that educators   •  Covers a variety of the most common
                community on the issue of                                           specific phobias, including fears of
                      ”                                                             heights
                abuse.                          can take directly into the classroom.  spiders, enclosed spaces, snakes, and
                  —Reference Reviews, July 18, 2016  FEATURES
                                                •  Covers a wide range of topics written   •  Includes illustrative examples and
              This timely volume shows how abuse   by educationists, psychologists, and   case vignettes to bring the subject
              impacts every segment of society—and   neuroscientists who are all experts in   matter to life
              how society is seeking effective ways to   their field
              respond.                          •  Provides meaningful instructional   IRENA MILOSEVIC, PhD, is a clinical
                                                  strategies that can be applied in the   psychologist at the Anxiety Treatment
              FEATURES                            real world to improve educators’   and Research Centre at St. Joseph’s
              •  Offers an introductory essay that   results                      Healthcare Hamilton and an assistant
                places the subject in context and   •  Addresses cognitive neuroscience   professor (part-time) in the Department
                provides a framework within which to   findings as they relate to special   of Psychiatry and Behavioural
                study and understand abuse        education students—invaluable   Neurosciences at McMaster University,
                                                  information for educators who work   both in Hamilton, Canada.
              ROSEMARIE SKAINE, MA, has           with this important group of learners  RANDI E. MCCABE, PhD, is director
                                                                                  of the Anxiety Treatment and Research
              published 13 books and numerous                                     Centre and psychologist-in-chief at
              articles. Her published works include                               St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and
              ABC-CLIO’s Suicide Warfare: Culture,   SHERYL FEINSTEIN, EdD, is professor   associate professor in the Department
              the Military, and the Individual as a   and chair of the Education Department   of Psychiatry and Behavioural
              Weapon.                           at Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD.  Neurosciences at McMaster University,
                                                                                  both in Ontario, Canada.
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