Page 88 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 88


              Today’s                           Campaigning for                   Drugs in
              Economic Issues                   President in America,             American Society

              Democrats and                     1788–2016                         An Encyclopedia of
              Republicans                       SCOTT JOHN HAMMOND,               History, Politics,
                                                ROBERT NORTH ROBERTS,             Culture, and the Law
                                                                                  3 VOLUMES | NANCY E. MARION
                                                                                  AND WILLARD M. OLIVER, EDITORS

              ABC-CLIO                          April 2016, 954pp, 7x10
              August 2016, 387pp, 7x10          Print: 978-1-4408-4890-2
              Print: 978-1-4408-3936-8          $68.00, £53.00, €62.00            ABC-CLIO
              $97.00, £75.00, €89.00            eBook: 978-1-4408-5079-0          December 2014, 1,163pp, 7x10
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3937-5                                            Print: 978-1-61069-595-4
                                                                                  $294.00, £227.00, €268.00
                                                 “ Both the topical and historical   eBook: 978-1-61069-596-1
               “ assessment of each               sections of this consistently
                 A fair and complete
                                                  objective and analytical
                issue discussed. Highly           encyclopedia-cum-history         “ This three-volume
                             ”                                                      unparalleled, wide-angle
                recommended.                      will reward readers who want      encyclopedia offers an
                         —School Library Journal,    to understand recurring and    perspective on that output with
                                  March 1, 2017   one-off phenomena in electoral    468 alphabetically arranged,
                                                  history. ”
              What are the real differences between                                 signed entries in short-essay
              the Democrats and the Republicans             —Booklist, July 20, 2016  format. . . . Recommended. ”
              on major economic issues that     What does it take to get elected               —Choice, June 1, 2015
              influence the character and vitality of   president of the United States—”leader
              the American economy? This volume   of the free world”? This book gives   Containing more than 450 entries, this
              answers this question in a thorough,   readers insight into the major issues   easy-to-read encyclopedia provides
              nonpartisan, and evenhanded fashion.  and events surrounding American   concise information about the history of
                                                presidential elections across more than   and recent trends in drug use and drug
                                                two centuries, from the earliest years of   abuse in the United States—a societal
              NANCY S. LIND, PhD, is professor                                    problem with an estimated cost of $559
              of political science at Illinois State   the Republic through the campaigns of   billion a year.
              University.                       the 21st century
              ERIK T. RANKIN, MPS, is assistant to
              the Department Chair of Politics and                                NANCY E. MARION, PhD, is a
              Government at Illinois State University.  SCOTT JOHN HAMMOND is     professor of political science at the
                                                professor of political science at James   University of Akron, Akron, OH.
              GARDENIA HARRIS, PhD, is associate   Madison University.
              professor in the School of Social Work                              WILLARD M. OLIVER, PhD, is a
              at Illinois State University.     ROBERT NORTH ROBERTS, PhD, is     professor of criminal justice at Sam
                                                professor of political science at James   Houston State University, College of
                ALSO OF INTEREST                Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.  Criminal Justice, Houston, TX.
                                                VALERIE A. SULFARO is professor
              Check out more Across the Aisle series   of political science at James Madison
              titles on page 84.                University.
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