Page 85 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Contemporary                      Surveillance in America           The 21st-Century Voter
              Supreme Court Cases               An Encyclopedia of History,       Who Votes, How They

              Landmark Decisions                Politics, and the Law             Vote, and Why They Vote
              since Roe v. Wade                 2 VOLUMES | PAM DIXON,            2 VOLUMES
                                                CONSULTING EDITOR                 GUIDO H. STEMPEL III AND
              Second Edition | 2 VOLUMES                                          THOMAS K. HARGROVE, EDITORS
              DONALD E. LIVELY
              AND D. SCOTT BROYLES

                                                February 2016, 744pp, 7x10        ABC-CLIO
              ABC-CLIO                          Print: 978-1-4408-4054-8          December 2015, 599pp, 7x10
              February 2016, 746pp, 7x10        $189.00, £146.00, €172.00         Print: 978-1-61069-227-4
              Print: 978-1-4408-3712-8          eBook: 978-1-4408-4055-5          $189.00, £146.00, €172.00
              $189.00, £146.00, €172.00                                           eBook: 978-1-61069-228-1
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3713-5
                                                 “ essential reading for public     > AWARD WINNER
                                                  This two-volume set represents
               “ creating a work ‘relevant [and]   libraries. Acquisition decision   2017 Outstanding Reference Source –
                 [T]he authors meet their goal of
                accessible to a wide variety of   makers in high schools,         RUSA
                                                  community colleges, and
                audiences’ without overdoing      universities should consider     “ An excellent starting
                           ”                      adopting this important work. ”
                the legalese.                                                       point for readers and
                      —Library Journal, July 1, 2016       —ARBA, August 22, 2016   researchers looking for a
                                                                                    general introduction about
              With its blend of accessible writing and   An excellent resource for high school   contemporary U.S. political
              actual excerpts from Court opinions,   and college students, this book   campaigning and voting. ”
              this book serves to explain the legal and   surveys the size, scope, and nature of       —Library Journal, April 1, 2016
              cultural underpinnings of landmark U.S.   government surveillance in 21st-century
              Supreme Court decisions of the past   America, with a particular focus on   This comprehensive reference covers
              35 years—and to illuminate how these   technology-enabled surveillance and   all aspects of politics and voting—from
              decisions have shaped the trajectory and   its impact on privacy and other civil   elections and campaigns, to major
              character of modern American society.  liberties.                   political figures and parties, to the role
                                                                                  of media and major activist groups.
              DONALD E. LIVELY, JD, is president   •  Pam Dixon is a researcher on the
              of Arizona Summit Law School. He    topics of medical privacy, data   GUIDO H. STEMPEL III is a
              conceptualized and was founding     brokers, and other contemporary   distinguished professor emeritus of
              dean and chancellor at Florida Coastal   privacy topics.            journalism and cofounder of the Scripps
              School of Law.                                                      Survey Research Center at Ohio
              D. SCOTT BROYLES, JD, PhD, is     PAM DIXON is a researcher on the
              associate professor of law at the   topics of medical privacy, data brokers,   THOMAS K. HARGROVE is cofounder
              Charlotte School of Law.          and other contemporary privacy topics.   of the Scripps Survey Research Center
                                                                                  at Ohio University. He is a former White
                                                                                  House correspondent for the Scripps
                                                                                  Howard News Service.
                                             ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    83
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