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                NEW                             Encyclopedia of                   Why Don’t

              The State and                     Constitutional                    Americans Vote?
              Federal Courts                    Amendments,                       Causes and Consequences

              A Complete Guide                  Proposed                          BRIDGETT A. KING AND
                                                                                  KATHLEEN HALE, EDITORS
              to History, Powers,               Amendments, and
              and Controversy                   Amending Issues,

              CHRISTOPHER P. BANKS, EDITOR      1789–2015

                                                Fourth Edition | 2 VOLUMES
                                                JOHN R. VILE

                                                                                  July 2016, 227pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
                                                                                  Print: 978-1-4408-4115-6
              ABC-CLIO                                                            $48.00, £37.00, €44.00
              January 2017, 513pp, 7x10                                           eBook: 978-1-4408-4116-3
              Print: 978-1-4408-4145-3
              $105.00, £81.00, €96.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4146-0          ABC-CLIO                           “ Anyone interested in learning
                                                July 2015, 655pp, 7x10              about voter turnout in U.S.
                                                                                    elections will find something of
               “ overview of the complex U.S.   Print: 978-1-61069-931-0            interest in this slim volume. ”
                 Providing a succinct, timely
                                                $189.00, £146.00, €172.00
                judicial system and its impact   eBook: 978-1-61069-932-7                —Booklist, September 14, 2016
                on politics and society, this work                                This timely book provides a thought-
                will appeal to students and      “ The text revisions and 1,500   provoking discussion of issues that
                public library patrons in need    sources in the bibliography
                of basic federal and state court   substantially supersede the    influence voter registration and turnout
                information. ”                    previous edition, warranting    in contemporary America.

                     —Library Journal, April 15, 2017  purchase of this latest definitive   FEATURES
                                                  analysis. Recommended. All
              How does the American judiciary impact   academic levels; general   •  Provides readers with the historical
                                                                                    context of registration and voting in
              the development of legal and social   readers. ”                      the United States
              policies in the United States? How are        —Choice, March 1, 2016  •  Offers a broad overview of these
              the state and federal court systems                                   issues today
              constructed? This book answers these   Now in its fourth edition and completely
              questions and many others regarding   updated, this is the most comprehensive
              politics, the U.S. courts, and society.  book on constitutional amendments and   BRIDGETT A. KING, PhD, is assistant
                                                proposed amendments available.    professor of political science at Auburn
              FEATURES                                                            University, Auburn, AL, and an instructor
              •  Comprehensively surveys the myriad                               in the Election Center’s Certified
                contemporary issues of law and politics   JOHN R. VILE, PhD, is professor   Elections/Registration Administrator
                that affect the scope and application of   of political science and dean of the   (CERA) program.
                social and public policies      University Honors College at Middle   KATHLEEN HALE, JD, PhD, is
                                                Tennessee State University.       associate professor of political science
                                                                                  and director of the MPA program at
              CHRISTOPHER P. BANKS, JD, PhD,                                      Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
              is professor of political science at Kent
              State University.
                                             ORDER THROUGH YOUR DISTRIBUTOR OR AT ABC-CLIO.COM  /  800-368-6868    85
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