Page 81 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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            The American Middle Class

            An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty

            This thought-provoking reference explores a disparate multitude of issues associated with
            being middle class in America. It addresses a range of questions and subtopics, including
            the meaning of the term “middle class”; how middle class status is expressed by both the
            majority and the various minorities that make up the American mosaic; what economic
            pressures are bearing down on the middle class; and how economists and others attempt
            to make sense of the economic issues of the day. Readers will also better understand
            how political institutions and public policies are shaping the way the middle class views   GREENWOOD
            the world; how labor, housing, education, and crime-related issues have influenced the   May 2017, 1,053pp, 7x10
            development and growth of the middle class; the norms of the middle class versus those   Print: 978-1-61069-757-6
            of other classes in society; and the role of culture and media in shaping how members of   $198.00, £153.00, €180.00
                                                                                   eBook: 978-1-61069-758-3
            the middle class view themselves—and how they are viewed by others.
                                                                                   ROBERT S. RYCROFT, PhD, is
            •  Includes content related to all the themes of the National Curriculum Standards for   professor of economics at the
              Social Studies and the Common Core requirements for primary documents and critical   University of Mary Washington,
              thinking exercises                                                   Fredericksburg, VA.
            •  Focuses on the intersections of middle class society to current issues of interest and
              policy debates, including diversity, gender, taxation, race, minimum wage, unions,
              student loan interest rates, school closings, and labor issues


            The Great Society and the
            War on Poverty

            An Economic Legacy in Essays and Documents

            JOHN R. BURCH JR.

            With the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson inherited from
            the Kennedy administration many of the pieces of what became the War on Poverty. In
            stark contrast to today, Johnson was aided by a U.S. Congress that was among the most
            productive in the history of the United States. Despite the accomplishments of the Great
            Society programs, they failed to accomplish their ultimate goal of eradicating poverty.   GREENWOOD
                                                                                   June 2017, 435pp, 7x10
            Consequently, some 50 years after the Great Society and the War on Poverty, many of the   Print: 978-1-4408-3387-8
            issues that Johnson’s administration and Congress dealt with then are in front of legislators   $89.00, £69.00, €81.00
            today, such as an increase in the minimum wage and the growing divide between the   eBook: 978-1-4408-3388-5
            wealthy and the poor.
                                                                                   JOHN R. BURCH JR., PhD, is dean
            FEATURES                                                               of library services at Campbellsville
            •  Documents the evolution of key issues addressed in the Great Society—such as civil   University.
              rights, immigration, and the chasm between rich and poor—that are still challenging us
            •  Shows how young people were able to influence massive political and social change—in
              a time without the benefit of instant communication and social media

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