Page 79 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              Climate Change                    Water Rights and the              How to Write

              Examining the Facts               Environment in the                and Publish a
              DANIEL BEDFORD AND JOHN COOK      United States                     Scientific Paper
                                                A Documentary and                 Eighth Edition | BARBARA GASTEL
                                                Reference Guide                   AND ROBERT A. DAY

                                                JOHN R. BURCH JR

              July 2016, 214pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              Print: 978-1-4408-3568-1                                            GREENWOOD
              $63.00, £49.00, €58.00                                              March 2016, 326pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3569-8                                            Hardcover: 978-1-4408-4262-7
                                                GREENWOOD                         $61.00, £47.00, €56.00
                                                July 2015, 442pp, 8 1/2x11
              Climate change is one of the most   Print: 978-1-4408-3802-6        eBook: 978-1-4408-4263-4
              controversial and misunderstood issues   $100.00, £77.00, €91.00    Paperback: 978-1-4408-4280-1
                                                                                  $35.00, £27.00, €32.00
              of the 21st century. This book provides   eBook: 978-1-4408-3803-3
              a clear understanding of the issue by
              presenting scientific facts to refute   [A] unique and exceptional tool   “ This highly engaging and
              falsehoods and misinformation—and to   “ for researchers and students   informative work will be an
              confirm the validity of other assertions.  alike. Highly recommended. All   excellent addition to libraries
                                                                                    that support graduate
              FEATURES                            academic levels; professionals/   programs in the STEM fields.
              •  Provides a broad overview of the   practitioners. ”                Recommended. ”
                subject of climate change that is             —Choice, July 1, 2016
                specifically written to be accessible                                      —Choice, November 1, 2016
                and interesting for senior high   This sweeping study traces the   Now thoroughly updated and expanded,
                school or introductory college-level   development of water policy in the   this new edition of a classic guide
                audiences                       United States from the 19th century to   offers practical advice on preparing and
                                                the present day, exploring the role of   publishing journal articles as well as
                                                legislation in appropriating access to
              DANIEL BEDFORD, PhD, is professor                                   succeeding in other communication-
              of geography at Weber State       water to the American people.     related aspects of a scientific career.
              University, Ogden, UT.
              JOHN COOK is the Climate          •  Describes the impact of climate   FEATURES
              Communication Fellow for the Global   change on water supply and safety  •  Presents an insightful insider’s view
              Change Institute at the University of                                 of how journals actually work—and
              Queensland, Australia.                                                describes how best to work with them
                                                JOHN R. BURCH JR., PhD, is dean
                ALSO OF INTEREST                of library services at Campbellsville
                                                University.                       BARBARA GASTEL, MD, is professor
              Check out more Contemporary Debates                                 of integrative biosciences and of
              series titles on page 65.           ALSO OF INTEREST                medical humanities at Texas A&M
                                                                                  University, College Station.
                                                Check out more Documentary and    ROBERT A. DAY is professor
                                                Reference Guides series titles on page 62.  emeritus of English at the University of
                                                                                  Delaware, Newark.

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