Page 74 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                                 The Minimum Wage                                     NEW
                                 A Reference Handbook
                                                                                     The Right to Die
                                 OREN M. LEVIN-WALDMAN
                                                                                     A Reference Handbook
                                  “ In all, a useful book for                        HOWARD BALL
                                   bringing both students
                                   and policy makers                                 This book provides a
                                   up to speed on this                               comprehensive and
                                   important matter. Highly                          contemporary examination of the
                                   recommended.                                      right-to-die issues facing society
            ABC-CLIO                     —Choice, May 2, 2016   ABC-CLIO             now that vast improvements in
            December 2015, 354pp, 6x9                           January 2017, 368pp, 6x9  public health care and medicine
            Print: 978-1-4408-3394-6  This unbiased look at the   Print: 978-1-4408-4311-2  have resulted in people not only
            $58.00, £45.00, €53.00  minimum wage debate in      $60.00, £47.00, €55.00
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3395-3  America traces the history of   eBook: 978-1-4408-4312-9  living longer but taking much
                                 minimum wage policy at both the                     longer to die—often in great pain
            federal and state levels, discusses the controversies swirling           and suffering.
            around the issue, and examines the veracity of claims made by   FEATURES
            people on both sides of the debate.                •  Provides readers a clear picture of the complexity of the
                                                                 right-to-die controversy as it has emerged in the courts and
                                                                 in the political branches of state and federal governments
            OREN M. LEVIN-WALDMAN, PhD, is professor of public policy in
            the school for public affairs at Metropolitan College of New York.
                                                               HOWARD BALL, PhD, is professor emeritus of political science and
                                                               university scholar at the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT.

                                 Marijuana                                           Profiling and
                                 A Reference Handbook                                Criminal Justice
                                                                                     in America
                                 Second Edition
                                 DAVID E. NEWTON                                     A Reference Handbook
                                 This single-volume resource                         Second Edition
                                 provides sound, up-to-date                          JEFF BUMGARNER
                                 information and authoritative                        “ This book is ideal for
                                 resources for research on the                         public library collections
            ABC-CLIO             controversial topics of the use                       or academic library
            January 2017, 372pp, 6x9
            Print: 978-1-4408-5051-6  of marijuana for medical and   ABC-CLIO          collections with a focus on
            $60.00, £47.00, €55.00  recreational purposes and the   December 2014, 377pp, 6x9  criminal justice.
            eBook: 978-1-4408-5052-3  effects of marijuana use on   Print: 978-1-61069-851-1      —Booklist, April 7, 2015
                                 society.                       $58.00, £45.00, €53.00
                                                                eBook: 978-1-61069-852-8
                                                                An unbiased examination of profiling in the criminal justice
            •  Provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the way   system—one of the most hotly contested public policy issues—
              in which marijuana has been treated in the nation’s long-  on the streets, in the courts, and in the jails and prisons of
              running “war on drugs”

            DAVID E. NEWTON, EdD, has been a freelance writer of   JEFF BUMGARNER, PhD, is a professor in and department head
            nonfiction books and ancillary materials for young adults for   of the Criminal Justice and Political Science department at North
            nearly 55 years.                                    Dakota State University.

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