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              ABC-CLIO SERIES
              Contemporary World Issues                                  SUBJECT CO VERA GE SPANS
                                                                         SIX MAIN C ATEGORIES
                                                                         •  Criminal Justice
                                                                         •  Environment
              24-hour cable news. Millions of Internet sites. Information overload. How can
              we sort through the information? Assess the analyses? Trust the sources?  •  Gender And Ethnicity
              A world of questions demands a library of answers. Contemporary World   •  Politics, Law, And Government
              Issues covers the controversial topics that students, readers, and citizens want   •  Science, Technology, and Medicine
              to read about, write about, and know more about.
                                                                         •  Society

                FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING                       NEW

              Endangered Species                Religious Freedom                 The American
              A Reference Handbook              in America                        Political Party System

              JAN A. RANDALL                    A Reference Handbook              A Reference Handbook
                                                MICHAEL C. LEMAY                  MICHAEL C. LEMAY

              January 2018, 370pp, 6x9
              Print: 978-1-4408-4899-5          ABC-CLIO                          ABC-CLIO
              $60.00, £47.00, €55.00            January 2018, 350pp, 6x9          June 2017, 368pp, 6x9
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4900-8          Print: 978-1-4408-5104-9          Print: 978-1-4408-5411-8
                                                $60.00, £47.00, €55.00            $60.00, £47.00, €55.00
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-5105-6          eBook: 978-1-4408-5412-5
              A detailed exploration of the variety of
              threats that endangered species are   This book provides the answers to
              facing around the world, whether they   controversial questions about religious   What historical factors transformed
              are due to human impact or so-called   liberties in the United States and   American politics into the institution
              natural causes.                                                     we know today? This in-depth look
                                                connected issues through balanced,   at America’s party system traces its
              FEATURES                          thorough, and nonjudgmental coverage   efficacy, sustainability, and popularity
              •  Includes a Perspectives chapter that   of the issues in a reference format.  through six influential presidencies
                allows for voices to be heard from   FEATURES                     spanning 1790 to the present day.
                many individuals who are concerned
                with endangered species         •  Presents the facts about religious   FEATURES
                                                  freedom so that readers can reach   •  Features 15 primary documents
                                                  their own conclusions             including excerpts from the Federalist
              JAN A. RANDALL, PhD, is professor                                     Papers and relevant sections of the
              emerita at San Francisco State    MICHAEL C. LEMAY, PhD, is professor   U.S. Constitution
              University’s Department of Biology. She   emeritus at California State University,
              has published more than 50 articles in   San Bernardino, where he chaired the
              peer-reviewed journals and is associate   department of political science.   MICHAEL C. LEMAY, PhD, is professor
              editor of Animal Behavior.                                          emeritus at California State University,
                                                                                  San Bernardino.

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