Page 66 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                NEW                             Online Health                       FORTHCOMING

              The Use and Abuse                 and Safety                        Writing and
              of Police Power                   From Cyberbullying                Publishing Your Book

              in America                        to Internet Addiction             A Guide for Experts
                                                BERNADETTE H. SCHELL
              Historical Milestones and                                           in Every Field
              Current Controversies                                               MELODY HERR


                                                February 2016, 343pp, 7x10
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-3896-5          GREENWOOD
                                                $89.00, £69.00, €81.00            October 2017, 120pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              ABC-CLIO                          eBook: 978-1-4408-3897-2          Hardcover: 978-1-4408-5875-8
              May 2017, 370pp, 7x10                                               $50.00, £39.00, €46.00
              Print: 978-1-4408-4372-3                                            eBook: 978-1-4408-5876-5
              $89.00, £69.00, €81.00             “ The volume succeeds            Paperback: 978-1-4408-5902-1
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4373-0            in providing a digestible       $29.95, £24.00, €28.00
                                                  overview on topics that can be
              Providing a timely and much-        technologically, legally, and    “ Herr’s important experience
              needed investigation of how U.S. law   morally complex, which sets it   as an editor gives this book
              enforcement carries out its public safety   apart from other works on these   authenticity, and I am so
              and crime fighting mandates, this book   concepts. . . . Recommended   pleased to recommend her
              is an invaluable resource for students,   for high school, undergraduate,   generous insights on book
              educators, and concerned citizens.  and larger public libraries. ”     publishing. ”
                                                   —School Library Journal, July 1, 2016      —Carole Sargent, Director, Office
                                                                                    of Scholarly Publications, Georgetown
              •  Provides a single-volume, go-to   This book explores 10 unique facets of     University, April 21, 2017
                source for insight into police-citizen   Internet health and safety, including
                relations in the United States, from   physical safety, information security,   Are you ready to write your book?
                the 17th century through to today                                 Partner with an experienced publisher,
                                                and the responsible use of technology,
              •  Documents major turning points   offering takeaways from interviews with   writing coach, and author and find
                and historical events influencing the   experts in the field and suggestions for   out how to turn your research and
                evolution of police power
                                                proactively improving users’ Internet   scholarship into a book.
              •  Provides both supportive and critical   safety.
                perspectives on contemporary
                trends in law enforcement activities,   FEATURES                  MELODY HERR is a writer who
                attitudes, and practices        •  Addresses a wide range of topics   spent more than 16 years in scholarly
                                                                                  publishing and acquired more than 250
                                                  related to Internet health and safety,   books for several publishers, including
              GINA ROBERTIELLO, PhD, is full      all of which are highly relevant to   Johns Hopkins University Press and the
              professor in the Department of Criminal   students and young adults  University of Michigan Press.
              Justice at Felician University in Lodi,
              NJ. She is the author of more than 30
              publications in the areas of policing,   BERNADETTE H. SCHELL is vice
              domestic violence, restorative justice,   provost at Laurentian University in
              and crisis intervention.          Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
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