Page 65 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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                FORTHCOMING                     Proud Heritage                    Crime and

              Gender Roles in                   People, Issues, and               Punishment in America
              American Life                     Documents of the                  An Encyclopedia of Trends
                                                LGBT Experience                   and Controversies in the
              A Documentary History             3 VOLUMES                         Justice System
              of Political, Social, and         CHUCK STEWART, EDITOR
              Economic Changes                                                    2 VOLUMES
                                                                                  LAURA L. FINLEY, EDITOR
              2 VOLUMES

                                                December 2014, 1,324pp, 8 1/2x11  ABC-CLIO
                                                Print: 978-1-61069-398-1          December 2016, 743pp, 7x10
                                                $294.00, £227.00, €268.00         Print: 978-1-61069-927-3
              ABC-CLIO                          eBook: 978-1-61069-399-8          $189.00, £146.00, €172.00
              April 2018, 756pp, 7x10                                             eBook: 978-1-61069-928-0
              Print: 978-1-4408-5958-8
              $198.00, £153.00, €180.00          “ A valuable resource for public,
              eBook: 978-1-4408-5959-5            high school, and academic        “ Highly recommended. All
                                                  libraries. ”                      readership levels. ”
              This two-volume set examines how the        —Booklist, March 24, 2015             —Choice, May 1, 2017
              evolution of gender roles in the United
              States has changed family dynamics,   This groundbreaking three-volume   Covering some of the most hotly
              business practices, and our concepts of   reference traces the roots and   contested topics in crime and criminal
              womanhood and manhood as well as   development of lesbian, gay, bisexual,   justice, including proposed sentencing
              affected debates about equality, political   and transgender (LGBT) rights and issues   and prison reforms, controversial
              and military service, and childrearing   in the United States from the pre-  developments like Stand Your Ground
              roles and practices.              colonial period to the present day.  laws, and Supreme Court decisions, this
                                                                                  work supplies essential background,
              FEATURES                          FEATURES                          current data, and a range of viewpoints
              •  Addresses an important, high-interest   •  Covers content mandated by the Fair,   on these important issues.
                topic for students as well as general   Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful
                audiences: how and why gender roles   (FAIR) Education Act in California  FEATURES
                have evolved dramatically in American   •  Encourages critical inquiry and   •  Addresses current trends and
                culture                           thinking by integrating factual   problems in America’s criminal justice
              •  Presents essential and illuminating   content with speeches, letters, and   system
                primary documents from multiple   biographies
                perspectives—male and female,                                     LAURA FINLEY, PhD, is associate
                conservative and progressive,                                     professor of sociology and criminology
                historical and current          CHUCK STEWART, PhD, teaches       at Barry University, Miami Shores, FL.
                                                math and statistics courses for National
                                                University and University of Phoenix
              CONSTANCE L. SHEHAN is professor   and is an independent researcher and
              of sociology and women’s studies at   writer on LGBT topics.
              the University of Florida.

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