Page 60 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 60


                                 Talking Conflict                                    Bosnian Genocide
                                 The Loaded Language                                 The Essential
                                 of Genocide, Political                              Reference Guide
                                 Violence, Terrorism,                                PAUL R. BARTROP, EDITOR
                                 and Warfare
                                                                                     “ A superb addition to
                                 ANNA M. WITTMANN                                     world-history shelves
                                  “ A unique book. . . . This                         in public and college
                                   valuable work makes
                                   readers think of the                                    —Booklist, May 26, 2016
            ABC-CLIO               language of conflict         ABC-CLIO
            December 2016, 386pp, 7x10  in different terms. . . .   January 2016, 355pp, 7x10  Providing an indispensable
            Print: 978-1-4408-3424-0  Highly recommended. All   Print: 978-1-4408-3868-2  resource for students and policy
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  libraries. All levels.      $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  makers investigating the Bosnian
            eBook: 978-1-4408-3425-7               ”            eBook: 978-1-4408-3869-9  catastrophes of the 1990s, this
                                         —Choice, June 1, 2017
                                                                book provides a comprehensive survey of the leaders, ideas,
            In today’s information era, the use of specific words and   movements, and events pertaining to one of the most devastating
            language can serve as powerful tools that incite violence—or   conflicts of contemporary times.
            sanitize and conceal the ugliness of war. This book examines
            the complex, “twisted” language of conflict.
                                                               PAUL R. BARTROP, PhD, is professor of history and director
                                                               of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies at
            ANNA M. WITTMANN, PhD, teaches English at the University of
            Alberta and at Concordia University of Edmonton.   Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL.

                                 The Armenian                                        Encountering
                                 Genocide                                            Genocide
                                 The Essential                                       Personal Accounts from
                                                                                     Victims, Perpetrators,
                                 Reference Guide
                                                                                     and Witnesses
                                 ALAN WHITEHORN, EDITOR
                                                                                     PAUL R. BARTROP
                                  “ Teachers, students,                              Cutting-edge in its scope and
                                   researchers, and writers
                                   can benefit from this                             approach, this unique volume
                                                                                     offers first-person accounts of
                                   resource’s rich material. . . .   ABC-CLIO        modern genocides to enable
            ABC-CLIO               Many others have written     June 2014, 305pp, 7x10  readers to more fully examine
            May 2015, 425pp, 7x10  about particular issues      Print: 978-1-61069-330-1
            Print: 978-1-61069-687-6  surrounding the genocide,   $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  genocidal experiences and better
            $89.00, £69.00, €81.00  but this is the most recent   eBook: 978-1-61069-331-8  understand the horror of such
            eBook: 978-1-61069-688-3                                                 events.
                                   and comprehensive
                                                    ”          •  Conveys the story of each genocide through primary source
                                   volume on the topic.        FEATURES
                                            —Library Journal,    documents that detail historical and contemporary contexts
                                            September 1, 2015
                                                               •  Addresses not only the reality of modern genocides but also the
            With its analytical introductory essays, more than 140 individual   consequences and impact on individuals
            entries, a historical timeline, and primary documents, this
            book provides an essential reference volume on the Armenian
                                                                PAUL R. BARTROP, PhD, is professor of history and director
            Genocide.                                           of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies at
                                                                Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL.
            ALAN WHITEHORN, PhD, is emeritus professor of political
            science at the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston,
            Ontario, Canada.

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