Page 64 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              GREENWOOD SERIES
              Documentary and Reference Guides

              Students often are unaware that hotly contested public debates have deep historical roots. Intended to allow readers to engage with
              history and discover the development of controversial social and political issues over time, the Documentary and Reference Guides
              series introduces such issues through carefully chosen primary source documents.
              The documents analyzed in these volumes encourage critical thinking, offering fresh perspectives as they sweep away
              preconceptions and restore immediacy to debates that may have become stale. They encourage students to explore for themselves
              how important issues came to be framed as they are and to consider how contemporary discussion might advance beyond the
              assumptions and hardened positions of the past.

              Endangered Species                  NEW                               FORTHCOMING

              A Documentary and                 Vaccination                       Modern Slavery
              Reference Guide
                                                and Its Critics                   A Documentary and
              EDWARD P. WEBER
                                                A Documentary and                 Reference Guide
                                                Reference Guide                   LAURA J. LEDERER

                                                LISA ROSNER

              March 2016, 370pp, 8 1/2x11
              Print: 978-1-4408-3656-5                                            GREENWOOD
              $108.00, £84.00, €99.00                                             February 2018, 325pp, 8 1/2x11
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3657-2          GREENWOOD                         Print: 978-1-4408-4498-0
                                                February 2017, 311pp, 8 1/2x11    $108.00, £84.00, €99.00
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-4183-5          eBook: 978-1-4408-4499-7
               “ to reference collections for   $110.00, £85.00, €100.00
                 This is a beneficial addition
                                                eBook: 978-1-4408-4184-2
                the serious study of U.S.                                         This book provides a sobering look at
                                                                                  modern-day slavery—which includes
                environmental policies and      This authoritative and unbiased   sex trafficking, domestic servitude,
                laws. ”                         narrative—supported by 50 primary   and other forms of forced labor—and

                     —Library Journal, June 9, 2016  source documents—follows the history   documents the development of the
                                                of vaccination, highlighting essential   modern-day anti-slavery movement,
              This book uses primary documents as a   medical achievements and ongoing   from early survivor voices to grassroots
              lens through which to examine historical   controversies.           activism, to the passage of U.S. and
              and present-day efforts to protect                                  international anti-slavery laws.
              endangered species in the United States   FEATURES
              and around the world.             •  Provides readers with accurate,
                                                  unbiased accounts of medical    LAURA J. LEDERER, JD, is president
                                                  breakthroughs and critics       of Global Centurion, a nonprofit
              EDWARD P. WEBER, PhD, is the                                        organization fighting trafficking and
              Ulysses G. Dubach Professor of                                      Subject Matter Expert on Human
              political science in the school of public   LISA ROSNER is distinguished   Trafficking to the U.S. Department of
              policy at Oregon State University.  professor of history at Stockton   Defense and the U.S. Department of
                                                University.                       Health and Human Services.

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