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              ABC-CLIO SERIES
              Contemporary Debates

              Each title in the Contemporary Debates series examines the veracity of controversial claims or beliefs surrounding a major political/
              cultural issue in the United States. The purpose of the series is to give readers a clear and unbiased understanding of current issues
              by informing them about falsehoods, half-truths, and misconceptions—and confirming the factual validity of other assertions—
              that have gained traction in America’s political and cultural discourse. Ultimately, this series gives readers the tools for a fuller
              understanding of controversial issues, policies, and laws that occupy center stage in American life and politics.

                FORTHCOMING                     Immigration                       The Affordable
              Marijuana                         Examining the Facts               Care Act
                                                CARI LEE SKOGBERG EASTMAN         Examining the Facts
              Examining the Facts
                                                                                  PURVA H. RAWAL, PHD
              KAREN T. VAN GUNDY

                                                December 2016, 281pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4  ABC-CLIO
                                                Print: 978-1-4408-3534-6          January 2016, 220pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              ABC-CLIO                          $63.00, £49.00, €58.00            Print: 978-1-4408-3442-4
              August 2017, 284pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   eBook: 978-1-4408-3535-3          $63.00, £49.00, €58.00
              Print: 978-1-4408-3672-5                                            eBook: 978-1-4408-3443-1
              $63.00, £49.00, €58.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-3673-2          What are the myths and truths
                                                regarding immigration in the United   “ While always politically
                                                States? This book provides readers with   neutral, getAbstract
              Drawing on scientific evidence from   an impartial understanding of the true   recommends this manual as
              medicine, psychology, criminology,   state of immigration and immigration   rich in research and long on
              and sociology, this book explores the   policy in the United States by refuting   facts.
              veracity of claims about marijuana use   falsehoods, misinformation, and   ”
              and misuse.                       exaggerations surrounding this topic—      —getAbstract, November 29, 2016
                                                and confirming the validity of other   This is the first reference book to
              KAREN T. VAN GUNDY, PhD, is       assertions.                       provide a detailed assessment of the
              associate professor of sociology,   FEATURES                        Affordable Care Act, explaining the
              core faculty in justice studies, and a                              realities and myths surrounding one of
              faculty fellow at the Carsey School of   •  Addresses contemporary rhetoric   the most divisive political struggles in
              Public Policy at the University of New   about immigration with factual   recent U.S. history.
              Hampshire, Durham.                  information based on reliable,
                                                  objective empirical data
              MICHAEL S. STAUNTON, MA, is a
              doctoral candidate in sociology and                                 PURVA H. RAWAL, PhD, is an adjunct
              a graduate research assistant at the                                assistant professor at Georgetown
              Carsey School of Public Policy at the   CARI LEE SKOGBERG EASTMAN,   University and a principal at CapView
              University of New Hampshire, Durham.  PhD, is an independent scholar   Associates.
                                                studying border and immigration
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